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11/05 - 12/04, 2022

Voted by São Paulo's two major newspapers – Estado and Folha de São Paulo – as one of the best exhibitions of 2022.

The first edition of ABERTO was set in the only residential project designed by Oscar Niemeyer in São Paulo. The exhibition took place from November 5 to December 4, 2022, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the architect's death.

ABERTO/01 was curated by Filipe Assis, Claudia Moreira Salles, and Kiki Mazzucchelli, with support from the Oscar Niemeyer Foundation. The exhibition featured works from galleries such as Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, Galeria Leme, Luciana Brito, Luisa Strina, Mendes Wood DM, Nara Roesler, Sé, as well as DAN Galeria, Paulo Kuczynski, Pinakotheke, and Simões de Assis.

The exhibition was divided into five thematic sections, each located in a different area of the house, creating specific dialogues between the artworks and Niemeyer's architecture. The event also included the launch of an easel designed by Claudia Moreira Salles in partnership with ETEL, which was integrated into the exhibition’s curation.


Casa Oscar Niemeyer

Designed in the 1960s and built between 1970 and 1974 in Alto de Pinheiros, the residence was the ideal setting for the first edition of ABERTO and to celebrate the strong bond between art and architecture.

Its curves, which echo the forms of Praça Panamericana, and its large glass panels – typical of Niemeyer’s lyrical and sculptural aesthetic – connect the interior and exterior spaces, creating a fluid and poetic architecture.



Abraham Palatnik,

Adriano Costa,

Alberto Giacometti,

Afonso Tostes,

Alexander Calder,

Alexandre Da Cunha,

Alfredo Volpi,

Amelia Toledo,

Ana Elisa Egreja,

Angelo Venosa,

Anna Maria Maiolino,

Antonio Bandeira,

Artur Lescher,

Brisa Noronha,

Bruno Dunley,

Candido Portinari,

Carlito Carvalhosa,

Carmelo Arden Quin,

Carol Bove,

Cicero Dias,

Cildo Meireles,

Claudia Moreira Salles,

Cristina Canale,

Daniel Buren,

Erika Verzutti,

Ernesto Neto,

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,

Fabio Miguez,

Fernanda Gomes,

Flavio De Carvalho,

Gabriel Orozco,

George Condo,

Georg Baselitz,

Geraldo De Barros,

Gustav Klimt,

Helio Oiticica,

Henry Moore,

Ismael Nery,

Ivan Serpa,

Ivens Machado,

João Loureiro,

Julio Le Parc,

Kishio Suga,

Laura Vinci,

Le Corbusier,

Lee Krasner,

Lisa Brice,

Louise Bourgeois,

Luiz Roque,

Luiz Zerbini,

Lygia Clark,

Lygia Pape,

Lynda Benglis,

Marc Chagall,

Marcius Galan,

Maria Klabin,

Maria Martins,

Marina Perez Simão,

Mauro Restiffe,

Michael Dean,

Mira Schendel,

Not Vital,

Oscar Niemeyer,

Pablo Picasso,

Panmela Castro,

Paulo Monteiro,

Paulo Werneck,

Pedro Reyes,

Pierre-Auguste Renoir,

Renata Lucas,

Richard Serra,

Roberto Burle-Marx,

Sarah Morris,

Sergio Camargo,

Solange Pessoa,

Sonia Gomes,

Tamar Guimarães,

Tomie Ohtake,

Tonico Lemos Auad,

Tracey Emin,


Valeska Soares